two women seating facing each other in a patient/provider setting

For Patients

Whether you're seeking treatment, or curious about the Texas Tech Physician offerings, we have a wide variety of services to assist in your mental health care and education. Texas Tech Physicians is the research-backed, expert-driven medical practice of Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. Within the practice, Texas Tech Physicians Psychiatry offers a range of pediatric, adolescent, adult, and pre and perinatal mental health services. 

Some of our featured services:

The healthcare providers at Texas Tech Physicians Psychiatry are leading educators and researchers in their fields and offer specialized care. Additionally, TTP partners with hospitals across the region to deliver comprehensive care and provide access to outpatient, inpatient, and emerging treatment options. To see a list of our doctors who provide psychiatry services by using our Find a Doctor page.

Texas Tech Physicians partners with Covenant Children's to provide the Relational Health Center, offering care that is the first of its kind in the U.S.-with options that include the child, their family, and their community.